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  • Tightened Into The
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  • A Rubbergirl In A
  • Persephones First
  • Karina In Steel
  • Allsteel Bondage
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    D K Bondage - Allsteel Bondage

    Clip Description

    A short video clip to let you see the set-up for a photoshoot. Karina is looking delectable in a tight-fitting pvc catsuit with contrasting steel cuffs and collar. The new steel waist belt weighs just under 2 kg and is fastened really tight.
    karina smiles - after all, it's only a three minute clip!

    Clip Duration:      3 minutes
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    wmv22.89 MB

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    D K Bondage - Allsteel Bondage

    Customers who bought this Video also purchased:

    Topazs First Fetish Shoot - We introduce our new model, topaz.

she has no prior experience of modelling fetishwear and has never been tied up before.

for the first shoot we dress up topaz in a soft, shiny catsuit, rubber bolero-style jacket, elbow-length leather gloves and stiletto-heeled rubber thigh boots.  We shoot her in various poses to get her used to the feel of the fetishwear.  Topaz is nervous but does well.

then we test her further by locking our heavy shiny steel cuffs to her wrists and ankles and fasten a high leather posture collar around her neck.  Topaz finds all this quite difficult at first.

watch her as we put her through her paces.  :)

the clip price has been set especially low so that you can buy the clip and encourage topaz to take the next steps in her new career as a fetish model.

    Shining Up The New Rubber Gimp - We have great fun fitting karina into the new rubber gimp suit.  It fits very tightly and needs much tugging and pulling!

the suit is new and, of course, has to be polished.  Well, someone has to do it!

watch karina get shined up all over.  We all need a cup of tea after this.  :)

    Karina In Steel Bondage  Part 3 - This is the third and final part of karina in steel bondage and 30+ minutes of intense struggling have taken their toll.  Karina's steel wrist cuffs are padlocked to her ankles and she struggles in vain to pull the padlocks apart.

we have no sympathy for her and push her onto her back just to make things more difficult for her.

by the end of this clip karina is exhausted and can do little except whimper and moan.

    Karina In Severe Rubber Hood Rubber Sj And Hogtied - Karina is still wearing the severe rubber hood for the first time when we add locking slave rings to her ankles and cuff her wrists together.  We leave her to see what she will do.  It is not long before she realises that she can readily release the cuffs but we were only teasing her!
being strapped into the heavy rubber straightjacket is an entirely different proposition and without the use of her hands shee makes her way, tentatively, to the door.  Door handles need hands to open then and in frustration karina returns and flings herself onto the bed.
we have not finished with her yet, pushing her onto her belly and roping her ankles to the d ring we had fitted to the top of her new hood.  Just what we had in mind for it.  We can leave, safe in the knowledge that she cannot escape but can't resist teasing her by tightening up her bonds even further. :)
this new severe rubber hood is money well spent and will see regular use in the future.

    Leather Straitjacket Escape Attempt  2 - With her upper body firmly encased in the heavy leather straitjacket, we now wrap red white and blue packing tape around karina's folded legs.  This 'frog-tie' is meant to limit karina's movement but she has obviously not been reading the script.

watch as she hops her way towards freedom. :)

    Karina Prepared For Transport - This is the first of two parts where we see karina, dressed in two catsuits and two hoods, prepared for transportation for further training.  A long hose is attached to her rubber narcosis hood, followed by a leather armbinder.

    Doublerubber Hooded Catsuited Strapped To The Bondage Table - Double-rubber hooded, and leather catsuited, we watch as karina is tightly strapped down onto the bondage table.  Her upper body is wrapped in steel chains and she struggles to move even the slightest in her tight bondage.
having the outer layer of the hood zipped makes breathing a considerable challenge.

important:  please not that the video goes black from 5m38s to 6m 20s.  This is not a fault.  At the time, I was using a hand-held camera, and to allow me to fasten the second layer of karina's hood (which was very tight) I had to put down the hand-held camera).  The camera output was included in the final version so that you could hear karina's vocals as I completed her bondage.

    Karina Is Mummified In Red Packing Tape - In this clip we use red packing tape to totally mummify karina.  The red tape differs from the thin brown tape that we all use to fasten parcels only in its colour.  Thin and with an incredible ability to stick itself back to its roll, packing tape is very difficult from which to get free.
karina starts off the mummification process on herself by wearing tights to protect her skin from the excessive tackiness of the tape's glue.  Then she self-wraps her legs until she can wrap no further.
watch with us as we film karina disappearing under a layer of the red tape.  Her feet and toes are almost the last to disappear, followed, at last, by a red and black hood.
by the end of the process karina can barely move any part of her body, except her toes!

    Wild Wife Into Tight Hoods And Even Tighter Hogties - We introduce a new lady to you - wild wife.  A red-headed beauty, wild wife, as her name suggests is a barely tamed woman who has strong passions.
her husband is in the habit of tying her up before he leaves each day for work.  
today she is dressed all in black - a hood, heavy rubber straitjacket, catsuit and thigh-high boots.  Her bondage day-dreams are disturbed by an intruder.  It is difficult to tell who is the more surprised of the pair!
she reveals that her husband has left her in this state and that he never ties her up tight enough.  See how the intruder responds to this challenge!

    Lucy Bound In Steel - Lucy's last visit was an embarrassment to us as she slipped out of our bondage so easily.
this time things will not be so easy.
dressed in shiny open-faced hood, shiny catsuit and new leather gloves, lucy has her wrists locked into steel cuffs.  A leather chastity belt is locked around her waist with pink padlocks.
she gets out of the initial bondage by cheating!  She pulls the elbow gloves out under the cuffs.  Recuffed and the cuffs are linked with a carabiner clip, the bondage is harder.
see what happens when we clip together the cuffs with three carabiners!

    Firstever Bondage Shoot For Topaz - We wasted no time getting topaz back for a shoot - this time a bondage shoot.  Topaz is dressed exquisitely - thigh high rubber boots, pvc catsuit, leather gloves, steel wrist and ankle cuffs and a high leather posture collar.

she has already had each wrist cuff padlocked to its opposite ankle cuff.  Topaz is in for a surprise for we have left the key in each padlock.  She probably thinks it will be easy to get out of this bondage, but with us things are often not what they seem.

so it is today.  The leather elbow gloves are quite thick and the wrist cuffs fit very snugly.  It is the same with the ankle cuffs, which lock tightly over the rubber thigh boots.  Everything looks beautiful, but as topaz is to find out there is no wiggle room in the cuffs.

it is delightful to watch topaz in her first fetish bondage shoot;  we hope it will be the first of many.

    Bungee Cord Bondage Part 2 - In this second part of the video karina is still wearing a latex catsuit, leather posture collar, thigh-high boots and open-faced hood, over which we have fitted a rubber gasmask.  Watch as karina continues to struggle.
at one point she almost escapes, only to have the bondage tightened.  By the end of the clip she is very tired and mewing pathetically as she realises she is going nowhere soon.
there is a special low price for this clip.  If you buy it will will make more bungee cord clips in future and we promise that we will make the bondage tidier and tighter!

    Hogtied In Pvc Catsuit And Rubber Hood - We see karina undressing and getting into her pvc catsuit which has attached feet and hands.  She follows that with the rubber hood.  A matching set of steel collar and wrist and ankle cuffs follows.
now we clip her ankles to her wrists in a steel hogtie and let her try to free herself.  She rapidly realises that we have used panic snaps on the hogtie and manages to free herself, even when we add tape over the snaps.
finally we tape her wrists together, confident that this will do the trick.  Is our confidence misplaced?

    Adreena In Rubber Straitjacket Bondage - Adreena is dressed in catsuit, rubber straitjacket, thigh boots and fellatio hood.  Her ankles are roped to the bed head and we see adreena struggle to break free and escape.  Watch this clip and see what three minutes of serious effort on her part produces. ;

    Karina In Ballet Boot Bondage - Karina is dressed in a yellow, full zentai suit, ballet boots, and shoulder-length leather gloves.  On her head she has a tightly-laced, extreme leather posture collar and a pair of blacked-out goggles.
steel handcuffs and ankle cuffs are interlinked so that karina has only limited movement.  The extreme posture collar is causing her some distress and has to be remove after about 2 1/2 minutes into the shoot.
free from the collar she may be, but transparent plastic wrapping gradually covers her arms from wrists to elbows, followed progressively by her hands, feet and then abdomen.
by the end of the shoot karina is once again inescapably bound.

    Karina Gets Ready For Bed - Karina is already dressed in a latex catsuit and tight-fitting latex hood when she is told to dress for bed.
over the catsuit she pulls on a thick two-piece sleepsuit made of natural latex.  The suit is elasticated at collar and cuffs.
she then gags and blindfolds herself before backing into her new bed.  Mitts are strapped over her hands and locked together.  Karina will not be playing with herself tonight!

    Fi In The Latex Vac Bed - Fi has slipped, completely naked, into a black, latex vac bed.  It is her first experience and she is trembling slightly.

the bed has been zipped shut  and the power switched on.  The pump slowly withdraws the air from the bed, allowing fi to feel the latex compress on to her skin.

what she doesn't expect is the latex hand that drips polish all over the latex covering her naked body and then starts to shine her up.  Watch the clip to see her response!

    Adreena Booted Hooded And Straitjacketed  1 - Adreena is dressed from head to toes in fetish clothing.  A severe pvc hood with only mouth and nostril holes tops the outfit.  A heavy rubber straitjacket, rubber capri pants and thigh high corset boots complete the outfit.

unable to see, adreena has to feel her way around the room.  A large ballgag is added to complete her outfit - for now!

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